1 Donations Page

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Support Fish & Men!

We are an independent documentary film team that’s worked to secure a majority of our funding through friends, family, and crowdfunding campaigns which has brought us through development and into the last stages of production.

We’ve partnered with Gift Card Give Back to accept unused gift cards as donations and also have the option for individual donors to provide tax deductible contributions.

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Individual Donors

Special thanks to those that have contributed to this film via individual donations and through spreading the word on IndieGogo kickstarter.

Long list of names goes here:

Angela Alt, The Betty Rocker, Alison Bagley, Antony & Emily Bartlett, Michael Bean, Vie Binga, Willa Bodman, Tara Buckland, Jennifer Calihan, Jacob Cantele, Kristin Canty, Tyler Cartwright, Deborah Clark, Theresa Cohen, James Connolly, Cullen Connors, Nicole Craig, Cristina Curp, Jacqueline Dagenais, Stacia Dawson, Cameron Duncan, Tonie Fagnan, Gabrielle Fernhout, Katie Forrest, Tim Ganley, Mike Geary, Gerald Guidroz, Ami Grimes, Matthew Haney, Randy Hartnell, Melissa Hartwig, David Hauser, Jeff Hays, Kelly Hopper, Dominique Howard, Heather Jurgensen, Lierre Keith, Chris Kresser, Kiran Krishnan, Alex Lewin, James Madden, Jeremy Manderville, Amber O’Hearn, Amy McLain, Jami Pierce, Primally Rooted, Lisette Rauwendaal, Antoine Rochon, Gilbert Rodgers, Robert Sansom, Naomi Schwimmer, Jamie Scott, Mark Sisson, Steven Soares, Ed Shapiro, Alice Starek, Robert Stevens, Alyson Stewart, Kelly Tague, Michelle Tam, Ashley Tilley, David Towle, Mickey Trescott, Peter Thomson, Robb Wolf, Luis Villasenor and JJ Virgin[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1579299509793{margin-bottom: -25px !important;}”]
